The Fight Does Not End Today

In the next few weeks’ things will normalize. Your Facebook and twitter will be filled with less politics and more cat videos. People that didn’t care about the election three weeks ago, will no longer care again. But the truth is, even with Trump’s victory, the left is fighting a never ending ideological war, where they believe government should control everything anyone does or thinks. They believe that government is the answer and the key to their utopia. And we need to continue fighting, not just in election years.

Leftist are able to win the causal voters that don’t pay attention because they continuously spread their ideology. Every second of every day they are constantly plotting on how to get people to vote them into power. People like George Soros or Hillary Clinton don’t think about family barbeques or vacations. Every single thought that crosses these leftist minds is how to gain more power and instill it in the federal government.

Right now, for conservatives, this is an uphill battle. It’s an uphill battle because we took days off. We went and saw these leftist anti-capitalism movies, or anti-America tv shows, because we wanted to be entertained and not think about the consequences for a while. We watched the NFL transform into a leftist platform because we didn’t want to argue, we just wanted to watch the game.

Sadly, if we want to enjoy our free lives that we once had, then we will need to fight every single day. We need to point out the media bias. We need to point out the grabs for power that the left has continually tried. This is so the undecided voters will be able to hear our point of view years before the election, not all crammed in final months before a general election.

The left succeeds because they engrave their insane ideals in people every day starting at a young age. Usually, when a conservative tries to talk to them several months before the election, they are too far gone and cannot be reasoned with.

We need to start a decades long initiative to educate our young, so that they will not be the same ilk of the brainwashed millennial generation. You also need to live your life with the conservative values that you preach. A leftist will call out any hypocrisy’s that you may hold.

Finally, just please, continue to educate your friends and always fight whenever someone opposes or makes and argument because it is always worth it. It is going to be a long battle for the American culture, regardless who wins the 2016. We need to put in the groundwork now, otherwise we will be forever doomed to living under an oppressive leftist government.


Author: AntiMSM